Keep Your Eyes open for these upcoming Events

Check out what is happening October 27th! It's a field trip!
More Info to Come, just starting to gather info now. Plan is to rent a van and have it tote us around, stopping at Tequesta Brewing Company, Bx Beer Depot, World of Beers, Due South and do tastings at each location. Like I say, I am just starting to do the legwork now, so just save the date state.
Let me know as soon as you know you are interested so I can plan accordingly
the cost of this event will be in the range of $30-$35. Purchasing beer at the stops will not be included so that you can budget your flights or single pints for yourself. Your price will include a delicious "lining your bellies" lunch at the Serenity Garden Tea House and your transportation for the day. Timeline and More to come

Monday, December 10, 2012

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays Gulpers!

Wow!  It was a fantastic contest!  It was a perfect party.  It was a new location!  Coreen and LeBeau invited the group to their office/warehouse in Lake Park for a Christmas pairing event.  As is our Christmas tradition, (wait…we’ve been together long enough for Christmas traditions?) we split into teams, took all the knowledge we have accumulated and prepared our own special pairings.  There were six teams and while there were 3 winners there were no losers.
Here are the teams:
 Team 1-Michelle Getty, Kelly Ainsworth, Tracy Cottle, Bryan and Tony .  Their pairing was a  Malbec and a Crostini with bacon jam, brie and roasted tomato.
Team 2-Coreen, Chris Pawlowski, Heather Hatter, and Todd Johnson .  Their pairing was a pan seared mahi with a grapefruit vinaigrette and micro greens with a grapefruit mimosa.
Team Three-Mariana and Aladia Nascimento,  Adriel Wright and Barry.  Their pairing was an apple crisp with carmel popcornthe food and Riesling.
Team 4-Jim and Kelly Brogan :) & Xtina & Wally Lurz :)  They paired a 3 cheese mac and cheese with a Spanish Rioja Crianza.
Team 5 - Mame Burkett, LeBeau Kpadenou, Ashley Walker, Pam Schuster.   These guys paired a spice cupcake with sparkling rose and smoked bleu cheese with Riesling.
Team 6 - Deb Knepp, Alicia, Steve Hussey and Keil Brand.  Olive picnic pizza was paired with Reisling.

All of the food was a delicious but the winners were: 
In third place was the cheesy group of Team 4-Jim and Kelly Brogan :) & Xtina & Wally Lurz. 
Second place went to the spice gang of Mame Burkett, LeBeau Kpadenou, Ashley Walker, Pam Schuster.
drumroll please…….
In first place with a blinging and “look at me” table  was Team 1-Michelle Getty, Kelly Ainsworth, Tracy Cottle.
Congratulations to all the winners! 
In addition to the food pairing contest there was also a Yankee Christmas swap.  Since your intrepid blogger was sick with a head cold I didn’t stay for this part of the evening.  Can someone tell me who picked the redneck wine glasses? 
Finally, what a year this has been.  Engagements, Elections and Excitement abounded.  We met locally and across the country in search of more knowledge and adventure in wine pairings.  Some of us struggled sometimes and some of us announced wonderful successes and triumphs.  We did it!  We filled up another year of living and loving and drinking wine the whole dang time.  I wouldn’t have missed a minute with all of you.
So lift your glasses my friends with the fruit of the vine and the juice of life.  As Mr. Grgitch said, “Men need only two things.  They both start with “W”…women and wine.  Women need three things. 
They all start with “M”….men, money and merlot.  No matter what you might need may 2013 bring us more of all!  Happy Holidays Gulpers!
See you next year!